★(Kanji with hiragana)
★(English translation)
On April 8th we had an election in my town. The new governor was selected.
Before election the candidates' and their campaign support managers' (known as Miss Bush Warblers) voices sounded throughout the town. Most candidates display Dharma dolls and pray for an election victory. If they win the election, they paint the Dharma's eyes black.
Public school gymnasiums and large classrooms become polling stations. We cannot vote on Internet. In Japan, people over 20 years old have a voting right.
In your countries, at what age can you vote?
This week's vocabulary
An election.The process of choosing a representative though voting
都道府県(とどうふけん)の首長(しゅちょう)。日本(にほん)には、1都(と)、1道(どう)、2府(ふ)、43県(けん)がある。 A govenor The leader of a District or Prefecture. Japan has 1 Metropolis (Tokyo), 1 Island Prefecture (Hokkaido), 2 Urban Prefectures (Osaka and Kyoto), and 43 Prefectures
立候補(りっこうほ)した人。候補者(こうほしゃ)の中(なか)から代表(だいひょう)を選(えら)ぶ。 A candidate A person standing for candidacy. A representative is chosen from among the candidates
(ウグイスの美(うつ)しい鳴(な)き声(ごえ)に例(たと)えて)電話交換(でんわこうかん)・アナウンスを担当(たんとう)する女性(じょせい)。 選挙(せんきょ)のウグイス嬢(じょう)は、候補者(こうほしゃ)と一緒(いっしょ)に各地(かくち)を回(まわ)り、大(おお)きな声(こえ)を張(は)り上(あ)げる。
Miss Uguisu (A lady with a voice so beautiful as to be compared to a Bush Warbler). For example, telephone operators, announcers.
インドの僧(そう)、達磨大師(だるまたいし)が座禅(ざぜん)している姿(すがた)を模(も)した玩具(おもちゃ)。 開運(かいうん)の縁起物(えんぎもの)として、願(ねが)いがかなった時(とき)に目玉(めだま)を書(か)き入(い)れる慣(なら)わしがある。
A Dharma A toy modelled on the Indian god Bodhidharma. Often used as a mascot for good luck. If your wish is granted, tradition calls for you to color in the eyes.
A vote At the time of election and selection, involves writing the candidates names on a piece of paper and submitting it .
(Mon 2007/04/09)
By SENO Chiaki
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