★Kanji with hiragana
★English translation
Do you know what a Teruteru Bouzu is?
It is now the rainy season in Japan. It differs a little from area to area, but from late May to mid June, the rainy season begins, and around mid-July the rains lift.
Teruteru Bouzu paper dolls, are not only used during the rainy season. For example, when you have an event or something on or, you are going out and so whatever happens you want it to be fine weather, you make one and hang it on the edge of the rafters. If you have some tissue paper, a rubber band and some string, you can make one easily.
Then you sing the Teruteru Bouzu song, and pray for good weather tomorrow:
In your country do you have something like the Teruteru Bouzu paper dolls?
This week's vocabulary
a paper doll hung out the window with a wish for good weather
to know
the rainy season
late in a month (the 21st through the end of a month)
middle of a month (11th through the 20th of a month)
the rains start, the rainy season begins
■梅雨明 け
梅雨(つゆ)が終(お)わること the rains lift, the rainy season ends
the rafters, under the roof, outside the window
to hang something up with a rope
(Sun 2007/07/01)
By ARASE Masako
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