今日の札幌は朝から風もなく穏やかな晴れ模様でしたので、10時過ぎに家を出て北海道神宮の桜を見に行ってきました。 正に満開でした。今年の春先は気温の高い日が多く、全国どこでも平年より早く桜が開花いたしましたが、北海道は特に早かったようです。
ここ北海道神宮の桜をゆっくり見るのは17年ぶりでした。17年前、それは日本の バブル経済が崩壊する少し前で、私が2週間の海外研修に出発する前日でしたので、はっきり記憶に残っています。(それは5月10日でしたから、満開が2週間早まったことになります)。
桜は 木々の緑をバックにすると、一段と映えます。17年前も今日と同じように、桜と神宮の緑は鮮やかなコントラスト見せていました。しかし、世の中はバブル経済の崩壊や長期不況を経て、大きく変化しました。私自身もその間多少の荒波に揉まれながら、会社人間(かいしゃにんげん)から、退職、日本語学校を経て、現在(日本語教師)へと変わってきました。
(私が言うのもおかしいのですが )幸いなことに、この間多くの方々とのコミュニケーションを通じて、少し柔軟で、少し若々しい心の持ち主に変身できたように感じています。感謝です。
★Kanji with hiragana
★English translation
From the morning today, it was a calm day in Sapporo. There was no breeze and it threatened to be fine, so I left home soon after 10 a.m. and headed to Hokkaido Shrine to view the cherry blossoms. The blossoms were just in full bloom. We've had a lot of warm days during the start of this spring, so the cherry blossoms have been blooming earlier than usual all over the country, but in Hokkaido they seemed to have bloomed especially early .
It has been 17 years since I've been able to take time and view the cherry blossoms here at the Hokkaido Shrine. I can remember [the last time] clearly 17 years ago: it was just before the Japanese economic bubble burst and the day before I had to leave for a two-week training program overseas. (That day was May 10th, so this year's cherry blossoms have bloomed two weeks earlier.)
The cherry trees looked so beautiful against the green background . And 17 years ago, just like today, the cherry blossoms contrasted brilliantly against the green of the shrine. However, the world has changed greatly since then, the bubble has since burst and we experienced a prolonged recession. During this same period, I have found myself caught in rough waters from time to time, and have changed as well: from my days then as a corporate worker to my retirement, then [as a student at] a Japanese teacher training school, to today, when I've become a Japanese language teacher .
It may a little strange for me to say, but I feel fortunate. Through these opportunities to communicate with so many people, I feel I have become a little more flexible in spirit and a little younger at heart. For this I am very grateful.
This week's vocabulary
the name of a shrine
be in full bloom
than usual
the bubble economy (usually refers to Japan's economy of the late 1980s, where real estate prices and the stock market soared, then crashed, leading to a prolonged recession in the country)
overseas training
remain in memory
more than ever
brilliant, vivid
go through the hardships of life
a company man
transform oneself
By MOMII Shigefumi
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