
漫画スケジュール帳 Manga diary







Kanji with hiragana







English translation

Recently, there are a lot of people who use, not paper or book type personal organizer (diaries or monthly planners),  but instead internet-based and smartphone diary or organizer features.
For those who use the book-type or paper-based types, when one thinks of December one considers it to be the time to buy the next year's schedule planner.

Every year, new planners come out all of which take design and usability into consideration but, there are also personal organizers called 'Manga Cho'.

Actually even though this personal organizer uses the name 'organizer', it is actually just a manga (comic book) inside.  However, the speech balloons are left blank. And, used corrrectly, it is in these spaces that you are supposed to fill in things like your schedule and diary entries. You can also use it as a personal diary or as a baby memory journal.
While you are so busy writing in your year's plans, you will end up, without noticing it, completing your very own, individual comic book.

Smarthphone diaries and planners are useful but, why not also try to use this unique type of diary?

★Please see this site.



This week's vocabulary

スケジュール帳(ちょう) personal organizer

機能(きのう) features

紙派(かみは)  the 'paper-using type' of person

といえば   speaking of

時期(じき) time; season

使(つか)い勝手(がって)ease of use; user-friendliness; usability

名乗(なの)り  giving one's name ; self-introduction

つつも   even though

中身(なかみ)  contents; interior

吹(ふ)き出(だ)し  a balloon

部分(ぶぶん)  portion; section

余白(よはく)  blank space

なんか  things like ...;

書(か)き込(こ)む   to fill in

日記帳(にっきちょう) diary

成長(せいちょう)  growth

記録帳(きろくちょう) record

as if in a dream; without knowing what one is doing;

うちに while

完成(かんせい) complete;


JOI-Japanese Online Institute


冬将軍 (ふゆしょうぐん)Jack Frost



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Kanji with hiragana


English translation

This photograph is the view from my room's window.
It was taken on the morning of December 10th. The day I took this photo was the coldest day of winter. The place where I live gets a lot of snowfall. Perhaps when you read this blog, more snow will have piled up.

By the way, have you heard the term 'Fuyu Shougun' before ? 'Fuyu Shougun' means a really cold winter. On the news in Japan, when we get an extremely cold winter, it gets introduced on the weather forecast as a 'Fuyu Shougun'. I am not sure when they began to call it this, but it is related to Napoleon's expedition to Russia that failed due to the snow and cold and gave birth to this word.

Personally I hate winter. I really hope that 'Fuyu Shougun' doesn't come this year.


This week's vocabulary

冬将軍(ふゆしょうぐん) General Winter, Jack Frost

風景(ふうけい)a sight, scenery

撮影(さつえい)する take a picture=写真を撮(と)る

寒(さむ)さ cold, coldness

雪(ゆき)が降(ふ)る snow

もしかしたら possiblyperhaps

積(つ)もる lie on

天気予報(てんきよほう)a weather forecast


紹介(しょうかい)する introduce

ナポレオン Napoleon

ロシア Russia

遠征(えんせい)an expedition

失敗(しっぱい)する fall

関係(かんけい)する be related

嫌(きら)い dislike



こたつ Kotatsu – Japanese-style heating




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Kanji with hiragana




English translation

It's gradually gotten colder, hasn't it. This year's winter is a time to conserve electricity. And for this, the 'Kotatsu' will play a large part. Do you know what a 'Kotatsu' is ?
A Kotatsu is an essential home heater for the Japanese winter. You put your legs under the Kotatsu futon or duvet, and thus heat up your body. The good point of the 'Kotatsu' is that the family can get together while getting warm. The scene of a family sitting around the 'Kotatsu' having a meal is one that comes to mind when one thinks of winter. Because of this year's conservation drive, there are a various types of 'Kotatsu' out on sale . 'Kotatsu' for individual use, 'Kotatsu' with a study desk and chair, 'Kotatsu' that do not need a 'futon' … and so on. And there is also a 'Kotatsu' which, when no one has been inside for more than 15 minutes, has a sensor that reacts and it automatically switches off.

Do you have any idea of what kind of 'Kotatsu would be nice to have ? And what would you like to spend time doing in a 'Kotatsu' ? But be careful, 'Kotatsu' are really warm so it easy to fall asleep in them.


This week's vocabulary

節電(せつでん):brownout ; conservation of electricity

大活躍(だいかつやく)する:play very active part (role)

欠(か)かせない:be indispensable (essential) to

暖房器具(だんぼうきぐ):home heater

一家団欒(いっかだんらん):family get-together


風物詩(ふうぶつし):things which remind one of a particular season


種類(しゅるい):kind ; sort

~付(つ)きwith ; including

反応(はんのう)する:react ; respond




甘酒(あまざけ) Sweet Japanese drink Amazake




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Kanji with hiragana






English translation

Do you know what 'Ama Zake' is ?
The name includes the kanji for alcohol ( sake) but it doesn't actually have any alcohol in it.
It is a sweet drink made from rice and you mix it with hot water to drink..

You can buy 'Ama zake' at any Japanese supermarket, and you can also drink it at Japanese-style cafes but in my home, my mother makes 'Ama zake' every year. My father's hobby is growing rice, so as soon as the new rice is harvested, they make “this year's Ama zake”. And they've made some delicious 'Ama zake' this year as well.

When I was young, my grandmother used make Ama zake for me from rice that she had grown herself. It was so delicious, and in winter, I used to drink Ama zake a lot more than I drank warm milk or even cocoa.
For me, 'Ama zake' is a nostalgic taste, and is something that I cannot live without in winter.
If you get a chance, please try to drink some Ama zake.


This week's vocabulary


to blend


new rice


good old


taste, flavor


chance, opportunity



本の字 The kanji “hon”






Kanji with hiragana





English translation

The words on the URL above were written by Mitsuo Aida, a poet and calligrapher. The other day I borrowed a book called Asa Kiku Kotoba: Cho by Koutaro Hisui from a friend, and this poem was introduced in it.

When you look up the “hon” in a Japanese dictionary, it says :
[ the essence, the important part of something , something intrinsic, something originally endowed with] also [the heart of something , the main ] and [ the true thing as opposed to something false or provisional] as well as [ the or genuine article] .
Of course everyone knows that “hon” also means 'book'.

The Kanji for “hon” comes from the kanji for “ki” (tree) and stands for the root of the tree. The added line onto the kanji for 'tree' indicates the 'root' and expresses the meaning of origin.

When reading this poem, which has the words based on the kanji “hon” written in a row, I think it means or is meant to be read as; Whatever you do, do it with your whole heart. If you do not put effort into it, everything ends up being half-done, and you'll never achieve the genuine thing .


This week's vocabulary

a character; a letter 

the person himself [herself] , the subject

truth, fact, reality

a genuine [real] article, the real thing 

one's real(right) intention(s) , one's heart, one's senses [mind]

seriousness; earnestness

one's real intention [motive]

a (public) performance, an actual take



 *本腰を入れる hongoshi o ireru
set about 《a task》in real earnest, make a strenuous effort

real nature, essence; substance

one's true [real] character [real nature]



long-cherished desire, Amida Buddha's original vow

By IKURA Tokiko


冬支度(ふゆじたく) Winter preparations in Hokkaido

私は 日本の 北海道に 住んでいます。ここは 日本の 北側に 位置していて、日本では最初に 雪が降るところ です。

1115日、天気予報に 初めて 「雪」マークが つきました。しかも 予報では 「少し積もるでしょう」と 言っています。 私は さっそく 近所のタイヤ屋さんへ行き、車のタイヤを 冬交換してもらいました。
町では この季節になると、交差点坂道などに、上の写真のような 「箱」が 設置されます。
この箱は 何だと思いますか。・・・その名も 「砂箱」。この中には 袋に 詰められた「砂」が入っています。冬の雪道凍って ツルツル」になります。滑って とても 危険なので、この砂を 道に 撒くのです。
北国の人々は この箱を 見ると、いよいよ 雪の季節が来た、と感じるのです。
あなたの町では 季節が 変わるとき、どんな「支度」をしますか。


Kanji with hiragana

私(わたし)は 日本(にほん)の 北海道(ほっかいどう)に 住(す)んでいます。
ここは 日本の北側(きたがわ)に 位置(いち)していて、日本では 最初(さいしょ)に 雪(ゆき)が 降(ふ)るところです。

11月(がつ)15日(にち)、天気予報(てんきよほう)に 初(はじ)めて 「雪(ゆき)」マークがつきました。しかも 予報(よほう)では 「少(すこ)し積(つ)もるでしょう」と 言(い)っています。 私(わたし)は さっそく 近所(きんじょ)のタイヤ屋(や)さんへ行(い)き、車(くるま)のタイヤを 冬用(ふゆよう)交換(こうかん)してもらいました。

町(まち)では この季節(きせつ)になると、交差点(こうさてん)坂道(さかみち)などに、上(うえ)の写真(しゃしん)のような「箱(はこ)」が 設置(せっち)されます。
この箱は 何(なん)だと 思(おも)いますか。・・・その名(な)も 「砂箱(すなばこ)」。
この中(なか)には 袋(ふくろ)に 詰(つ)められた 「砂(すな)」が 入(はい)っています。冬(ふゆ)の 雪道(ゆきみち)凍(こお)って ツルツル」になります。滑(すべ)って とても 危険(きけん)なので、この砂 を道(みち)に撒(ま)くのです。

北国(きたぐに)の人々(ひとびと)は この箱を 見(み)ると、いよいよ 雪の季節が 来(き)た、と感(かん)じるのです。
あなたの町では 季節が 変(か)わるとき、どんな 「支度(したく)」を しますか。

English translation

I live in Hokkaido in Japan. This is positioned in the northern part of Japan and is where the first snow of winter falls.

On November 15th the first snow icon appeared on the weather forecast . Moreover, the information stated that it would pile up a little. So I promptly went out to the tire shop in my neighborhood and had my car's tires changed to the winter-use ones.

When this season comes, at intersections and on hill roads, boxes like the one in the photo above are set up around the town. What do you think these boxes are ? ...Well they are known as 'Sand Boxes'. There are bags packed full of sand inside. When the winter roads freeze over, they become slippery. Its really dangerous if you slip, so we sprinkle the sand on the roads.

When the Hokkaido people see these boxes, they feel that winter has come at last.
What preparations are made for when the seasons change in your town ?

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This week's vocabulary

位置 【いち】  place; situation; position; location

しかも : moreover; furthermore

積もる 【つもる】  to pile up; to accumulate

~用 【よう】 use; duty; service

交換 【こうかん】 exchange; interchange; switching

交差点 【こうさてん】  crossing; intersection

坂道 【さかみち】  hill road

設置 【せっち】 (1) establishment; institution; (2) installation (of a machine or equipment)

詰める 【つめる】  to stuff into; to jam; to cram; to pack

砂 【すな】  sand

雪道 【ゆきみち】  snow-covered road

凍る 【こおる】  to freeze; to be frozen over

つるつる  / ツルツル: slippery; smooth

滑る 【すべる】  to glide; to slide (e.g. on skis); to slip

く 【まく】  to scatter; to sprinkle; to strew

北国 【きたぐに】  northern provinces; northern countries

いよいよ : at last; finally; beyond doubt

支度 【したく】  preparation; arrangements

By ITAYA Sayuri